Friday, October 17, 2014

The university of Minnesota is the savior

Met with Brent Larson at the U of M. They are taking on my case! I will be in the faculty department, since my case is too complicated for the student department. They will find a surgeon who is willing to do the surgery the way I want it done and we will go from there. I go back in on the 30th. This is such great news!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Making headway!

Today I received a call from Brent Larson, the director of orthognathic surgery and orthodontics at the university of Minnesota. He is willing to meet with me to see if the university can take on my case! I go to see him October 16th! I hope this brings good news! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Nothing has been decided

On Friday I called Dr. Omilie's office ot understand why we cannot stick with the same plan I had in place in Illinois. I called at 9am and left a message with a woman. Almost 2 hours later I still hadn't gotten a call back so I called again. I was a little more  stern and said I wanted a call back ASAP about the situation. Not but 5 minutes later the woman who I was  supposed to talk to called me back. I explained the situation to her and she kept saying a should just come in for a consultation. Problem: consultations with an orthognathic surgeon are not free and not covered by insurance. My last consultation with my Illinois surgeon was almost $300. I told the woman I'm not paying $300 to get told what I already know. If he isn't going to follow my already prescribed plan and surgery then he isn't doing it. She kept saying that he was a good surgeon, best in the 5 state area. I was so pissed, I told her then he should have to problem with me "complicated case and surgery" then. He shouldn't need to start over, he should be able to do the surgery needed. At the end, since it took them until after 11am to get back to me, dr. Omilie wasn't in the office anymore so I have to wait until Tuesday to hear anything. I also called the university of Minnesota to see if they would take on my case, I had to leave a message. So right now nothing has happened. Just have to wait and wait. As if I haven't already waited enough for all of this. Very frustrating.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A VERY pissed off patient.

Today I had my consultation for surgery with my new orthodontist and oral surgeon. 
How I thought the conversation would go: congrats! Your teeth look so good, we only have a little more work to do. You should be ready for surgery within the next 6-8 months. (Yay! Happy Cassi)
How the conversation went: we want to take off all your braces. We want you to have expansion surgery and have an expander in for 4ish months. We then want to put you back in braces for 12-18 months. After 12-18 months, we will do double jaw surgery. Also, we are not going to take into consideration the past year you have spent in braces/the $4,000 you've already spent on such braces and you will owe us $7,000 for just the braces portion. (Super pissed off Cassi)
I called my old ortho in tears, told him everything and he was appalled. We have a plan, I've had braces for a year. Why are we changing the plan and starting all over??!! I wanted to get married in 2 years not still be in braces, fresh out of surgery. My next steps are to call the orthognathic surgeon to see if this new plan was his idea or the ortho. If it was the ortho, I find a new one and stick with the surgeon. If not, I have to call the university of Minnesota and see if they will take me on. If not, I will be going back to illinois and finishing my treatment there.

I'll let you all know what happens tomorrow!