Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The End

New life, new jaw, new adventures!
It has been 4 months since the surgery. I'm back to working my crazy 10 days on 4 days off, 120 hours in a row. I can eat pretty normally now, hard foods are still a no no but should be back to normal in about 8 months. There really isn't much to update on any more as far as my surgery goes. It was worth it, I can tell you that. To anyone who has been told they need jaw surgery, do it. It has changed my life for the better. After the surgery was pretty rough for awhile but the long term benefits are worth all the struggle in the beginning. I'm ready to start my new life with a new jaw. I am planning on starting a new blog about being a funeral director in Minnesota. So if you want to read some funny stories about my life as a mortician, read up on my new blog! I guarantee it will make you feel happy 🙃

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