Sunday, September 27, 2015

Day 11

Out of all the blogs I have read about double jaw surgery, not one of them has ever described the pain they were feeling after surgery as how mine has felt. My mouth is just raw. It feels like someone took something hot and seered the entire inside of my mouth and now it is healing. It just feels so raw. It is an odd and weird pain sensation because how many times has anyone been injured where you just feel raw. Other than a burn, I can't really think of anything else. This feeling hit its peak around day 6/7 and isn't as bad today. I have more energy now than I did a few days ago. I used to have to nap twice a day (usually once around 11am and again around 5pm) but now I'm feeling pretty good with just taking one nap in the afternoon. I've been showering daily and going on walks. I can also "brush" my teeth now with my Winnie the Pooh pediatric toothbrush. I say "brush" because I can barely open my mouth and I still have the splint in so there is only so much I can really get to. My intake of pain meds is also much less than before. I take them about 3 times a day and that's it. I went in for my 1 week preop last Thursday and everything looked great. My surgeon wants to keep my splint in for 6 weeks due to the expansion of my upper palate, I hate the damn splint but I'd rather leave it in for the best end result. I go back for my 2 week this Thursday!

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