Saturday, October 10, 2015

Day 24: Zombie? I think so...

Past the 3 week mark. I wasn't scheduled to see my surgeon this week but I never do things as scheduled. I was in major pain starting last Saturday and on Wednesday I was over it. So I woke Jake up at 6am and told him to drive me to the U of M. They poked at my mouth, "Does this hurt?" They said, and I thought, no dumbass, you're just poking where you ripped my jaws apart and screwed them back in, doesn't hurt at all. Then they took some X-rays, showed me my new hardware, gave me new prescriptions and sent me on my way. I'm doing better now, to say I'm not in pain would be lying but I'm better. The pain is not the worst part right now, what is the worst? I think I have turned into a zombie. Or soon I will be one. Yup like walking dead I wanna eat your brains. Why? Because I'm starving. I could eat anything right now. Grilled leg? Sounds fab. Ok not really but when you have been suckling liquid from a syringe like a Guinea pig for 3 weeks you get pretty desperate. I cannot wait to eat real food. I almost blended chicken nuggets the other day. I didn't but it was close. 🍗

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